Hi Guy - this Riley on our walk this morning with his 2' walking leash. We use the 2' leash mostly for walking.
From: Lauren Guerrini, Arizona, USA Handcrafted leather dog leash for walking and tracking with wattle handle and brass snap hook
Leather dog leash size: 1/2 inch on 2 foot (1.3 cm on 60.0 cm)
Leather dog leash size: 1/2 inch on 3 foot (1.3 cm on 90.0 cm)
Leather dog leash size: 1/2 inch on 4 foot (1.3 cm on 120.0 cm)
Leather dog leash size: 1/2 inch on 5 foot (1.3 cm on 150.0 cm)
Leather dog leash size: 1/2 inch on 6 foot (1.3 cm on 180.0 cm)
Did receive my order. I have 2 German Shepherds and one is 125lbs. I love the weight of the leashes. These are my second ones
From :Michelle, USA, New Hampshire
I received the leashes today - thank you. The quality of your dog products is top notch. I work with a dog rescue group in Berkeley, and I have recommended your company highly to all willing to listen. It is very satisfying to do business with a company like yours in today's environment of "mediocrity at best". Thank you.
From : Hank, USA
Dear Guy,
The second leash has arrived today; thank you for your quick attention to my request. I appreciate your attentive, customer service.
Carm Caruana from Canada.

I just received the leash. I love it, thank you. I have some friends that work with Guide Dog School of America and used to have a man hand make these leashes for them.
He stopped making them and they have not been able to find a replacement. You might be it though! I now am looking for a leather martingale collar to match the leash. Do you by chance have such a collar?
From :Amy, USA
Dear Julia, I've receieved my order for leash & collars. They are of excellent quality. Thanks so much for your client-focused assistance in my order. Manson from Hong-Kong
Take a look at leather leash in 3D