Elegant Braided Leather Dog Collar
Every dog is unique, with his own nature and habits. And you probably love him exactly for these features and devotion to you. Have you ever thought of making a present for the doggy? Of course, every minute spent with his owner is a real treasure for your dog. However, we are sure he will appreciate if you choose this Fashionable Braided Leather Collar not as a present only, but also as a durable equipment for him. Besides, with this Leather Collar on your dog's neck you show, that his style is very important to you. Walk your dog in style with our new Elegant Braided Leather Collar!
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Superb Dog Leather Collar
How many times does your strong dog pull when walking? May be he is walking quietly by your side, but what if not? How does he behaive every time he notices another dog or cat? Of course, the collar won't solve this problem, because the obedience training is vital in this situation. However, you need Super Strong Leather Collar with extra durable fittings to be sure it won't tear in the most unexpected and undesirable moment. This Leather Collar is popular among our customers exactly due to it's strength.
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Perfect Leather Collar for everyday walking
Practicable Leather Collar
This Collar will look perfect on your dog
Key features of this Dog Collar: - Best raw cow hide 100% full grain leather
- 2 ply leather
- Polished brass buckle
- Leash connection ring
- Smoothed, waxed and rounded edges
- Hand braided elegant leather braid
- Fur protection buckle leather tongue
- Brass rivets
- Additional stitching for extra strength
| Intended use of this Dog Collar: - Walking your dog
- Training your dog
Sizes available: - 1 inch (25 mm) wide
- 1/3 inch (8.5 mm) thick
| Available colors: |
Without any hesitation you may use this Leather Dog Collar for:
Everyday walking. You will probably agree, that walking with the dog makes you more happy and cheers up your mood. Take your dog on a safe walk with this Extra Durable 2 ply Leather Collar and you will never be ashamed of design or quality of your dog's equipment!
Training. Training session is a very important time both for you and your dog. It's time when both of you are working to develop even more close and confidential relations. Off-grade or uncomfortable equipment may easily spoil the whole situation and your mood. Choose only Top-class Leather Collars, like the one, we offer and enjoy training with your dog!
Watch how this dog collar looks on Central Asian Shepherd / our video
Check how our products look on the dogs / Pictures from Customers
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Perfect Collar for low price
Choose Collar your dog deserves
Braided Collar your dog will like
Check how our products look on the dogs/ Our Video
Feedback from Our Customers. What our customers are saying.
Published testimonials are genuine and are not edited or altered by Fordogtrainers.com
Hi Guy,
Collar arrived today and it looks super duper on my dog, will send you photo of Diesel soon :)
Thank you again.
From: Jane, North South Wales, Australia
Caroline Mast, Virginia, USA
Date added review: 20/10/2013
Hi, Just received the muzzle and collar. Both are made very well and fits Quintus perfect. The quality is excellent. Worth the wait. Thanks for everything.

[5 of 5 Stars]
Deborah Feliciano, New York, USA
Date added review: 24/08/2014
Thank you for the harness. Its actually better than I thought and delivery was so fast. I cant wait to get home and try it on my dog. He is going to look so handsome. Thank you so much.

[5 of 5 Stars]
Richard Adkins
Date added review: 22/05/2015
The last of my order arrived today and I was hoping my feedback would make it back to https://www.all-about-german-shepherd-dog-breed.com/ The order is complete and I LOVE IT. It is exactly what I was hoping for. Wonderful, thick leather that looks amazing on my German Shepherd. My original order was placed on 07/24/15. It took a while to get here but, it was worth the wait. I was concerned at one point if the order was going to get filled (there was a problem with the phone number I returned a call to in answer to a request from someone in your/their service department). I wish there was a capability to put comments on the website because my review would be 5 stars! Thank you very much,

[5 of 5 Stars]