Dear Guy,
Thank you very much for your assistance and excellent service. Glenn and I will definitely come back, we love your products. I have your company icon on my desktop. I am especially interested in getting the war collar ASAP. I will speak with Glenn in the morning and if he agrees we will order that for sure by the end of the weekend (I'm sure he will agree). Than kyou again for your excellent service, I will recommend your website to all my friends, Yours truly,
From :Anna, Australia, Concord
Dog pinch collar with swivel and quick release snap hook ( scissor type )made in Germany
dog collar size: 2.25 mm,9 links,16 inch ( 40 cm )
dog collar size: 3.00 mm,10 links,21 inch ( 53 cm )
dog collar size: 3.25 mm,10 links,23 inch ( 58 cm ) additional link 1 2/5 inch ( 3.5 cm )
dog collar size: 3.90mm,10 links,25 inch ( 65 cm ) additional link 1 4/5 inch ( 4.5 cm )
You can also order nylon removable protector for this pinch collar
1.Reduces contact with water
2.Protects against excessive light reflection
3.Collar makes less noise
4.Does not look like pinch collar - looks like regular collar
Don't lose your pet - get ID tube

Take a Look at Metal Collar in 3D