From the history of the
The direct ancestor of the boxer is considered a Small or
Brabanter Bullenbeisser. The breeding of Bullenbeisser of
that time was mainly in the hands of hunters who used them
for hunting. Bullenbeisser's task was to catch an animal
hunted by hounds and hold it until the arrival of the
hunter that killed the prey. For this the dog should have
had, if it is possible, a broader jaws with wide-set teeth
in order to bite realy hard and hold tight. Thus the
breeding selection was conducted, which gave a
wide-muzzled dog with a snub tip of the nose.
Boxer is a dog of above average height, smooth haired,
thick, square in size, and strong skeleton. The muscular
system is dry, strongly developed, protruding. The moves
are lively, full of strength and nobility. Boxer is not
supposed to be awkward or clumsy or to look light.
Height and weight:
Height: Males 57-63 cm, Females 53-59 cm at the withers.
Weight: Males: over 30 kg (at a height at the shoulder
around 60 cm). Females: about 25 kg (at a height of about
56cm at the withers.).
Square in size.
The coat is short, skintight, tough and shiny.
Red or brindle. Ginger is permitted of various shades -
from light yellow to reddish-brown, however, middle tones
are the most preferable(i.e. red-ginger).
Attaches to the appearance of the boxer of particular
identity, it should be in correct proportion to the body
and appear neither light nor too heavy. The muzzle should
be as broad as possible and powerful. The beauty of the
head provides the correct ratio of muzzle and skull.
During the examination of the head from any position: top,
front or side - the muzzle should remain in correct
proportion to the skull, ie, it should never appear too
small. The head should be dry, with the skin without
wrinkles. However, the wrinkles on the forehead appear
spontaneously when a dog raises its ears or if the ears
are not cropped, at increased attention. From the base of
the nose bridge on both sides descends permanently marked
wrinkles. Black Mask is limited by muzzle, clearly visible
on the general color and should not give gloomy expression
to the boxer.
Natural by its nature, its ears have an appropriate
amount; planted on the each side of the head at the
highest points of the skull , in peace fitting to the
cheeks and hang forward when the dog is alert, with clear
Dark, not too small, not bulging or sunken.
The lower jaw is longer than the top and slightly curved
upwards. Bite is undershot. The upper jaw is wide at the
base and slightly tapering towards the end. Teeth strong
and healthy. The incisors are located exactly in one line
as far as it possible, the fangs large and wide apart.
The ridge of the neck falls by an elegantly curved arch
from the occiput to the withers. The neck should be long
enough, round, powerful, muscled and dry.
The withers is well expressed. The body from the withers
to the croup should be short, firm, smooth, wide and very
muscular. The croup is slightly sloping, is a bit rounded,
broad. Boxers have long and wide pelvis,
especially females.
The chest is deep, reaching to the elbows. The depth of
chest is half of the height at the withers. The front part
of the chest is well developed. The ribs are well arched
but not of a barrel shape, extending far back.
Underline stretches back in an elegant bend. The groin is
short, moderately tight.
The front limbs should be straight when viewed from the
front, should be parallel to each other and have strong
bones. The back part is well muscled, the muscles are
tight and stand very expressively. The hind limbs when
viewed from behind should be straight.
Is set highly enough.
Attractive features:
Smart, disciplined, steady, calm and watchful and at the
same time, self-confident, fearless and enduring dog. The
type of behavior is balanced - agile. The boxer retains
the honesty of the character and deprived of malice, even
in an old age, when few other dogs often become "duddy.
"Despite a rather intimidating appearance, the boxer is
tender and affectionate, likes children and gets along
well with them. It is faithful to his master, tied to the
entire family and home. This is a courageous defender,
gentle with friends, but distrustful to the strangers,
cheerful and friendly in play, but fearless in the attack.
The boxer inherited nobility and courage from its
ancestors. It has an honest and open disposition, without
falsehood and treachery. This dog is very amenable to
training and is very understanding. It is easily trained
because its willingness to obey, its courage and fighting
qualities, natural sharpness and excellent sense of smell.
The Boxers are unpretentious and cleanly, and therefore
useful for keeping in the apartment.
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This light weight heavy duty pulling harness will last for years. Probably the best nylon pulling harness for police,service,rescue,sport or... more info
Sizing Diagram - Click here This well-fitting, comfortable muzzle is made based on special strong metallic construction to maintain the shape of... more info
High-Quality Nylon Dog Harness with Chest Strap Hello, Here is a picture of my European boxer "Bedros" in one of your all weather harnesses and... more info
Lightweight Pulling Dog Harness Made of Nylon Hello, Here is a picture of my European boxer "Bedros" in one of your all weather harnesses and one... more info
Description Dear Guy, When searching for a spike collar we came across your site and the picture of the collar caught our eye and then we saw the... more info
New design leather dog harness/ added dog harness/Training dog harness . Heavy duty full leather agitation harness.This is truly beautiful piece... more info
Boxer Training Leather Dog Harness Heavy duty full leather agitation harness.This is truly beautiful piece of hand made working dog equipment!One... more info
2 ply agitation leather dog collar with handle Handcrafted 2 Ply Leather Agitation Dog Collar With Handle Click on the pictures to see bigger... more info
Model: C33##1066 2 ply agitation leather dog collar
Trendy Leather Harness with Gold-Like Studded Half-Balls Constructed from finest quality soft and strong leather, this dog harnesses is very... more info
Hello, I received the collar today. It's wonderful! The quality is just wonderful and it looks great on Dozer. Great price, too! Thank you so much.... more info
This well-fitting, comfortable muzzle is made on the basis of special strong metallic construction to maintain the shape of the muzzle and to assure... more info
Handmade exclusively by our craftsmen.You have to see this muzzle to believe the craftsmanship and quality. Due to great design the muzzle is well... more info
Heavy duty full leather agitation harness.This is truly beautiful piece of hand made working dog equipment!One of the best available harnesses.The... more info
Model: H10##1066 Leather dog harness protection/padded
Heavy duty stitched and riveted. We offer this popular handmade, non-restrictive type harness, because of its superior design. People who do a fair... more info
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Constructed from finest quality soft and strong leather, this dog harnesses is very comfortable for a dog to wear incredibly strong. Like all our... more info